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AI Discovery Workshops

Designed to closely collaborate with your team, this workshop identifies AI opportunities that can enhance your business processes and applications.

Unlock the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your business with WNPL's AI Discovery Workshop.

Workshop Structure

  • Client Collaboration: WNPL works closely with your team, either online or at your premises.
  • Flexible Participation: The workshop can be conducted online, accommodating partial teams when the whole team is unavailable.
  • Business Analysis: We conduct an in-depth analysis of your business processes and software applications to identify potential AI augmentations.
  • Data Requirements: Discussion on data availability and requirements is a key part of the workshop.
  • Key Contacts: Identification of key persons for further liaison on specific topics is established.

Key Activities

  • Introduction to AI: Brief overview of AI capabilities tailored to your business context.
  • Business Exploration: Detailed exploration of your business divisions and activities to understand how AI can add value.
  • Data Availability Analysis: Insight into current data Availability and potential data collection for maximizing efficiency and ROI. This analysis informs data requirements for specific AI/ML models.
  • Next Steps Planning: Based on workshop findings, we discuss and finalize a plan for AI implementation, including recommended AI projects and a quotation.


  • Identify AI Opportunities: Discover areas of your business that can benefit from AI.
  • Clear Data Requirements: Gain a clear understanding of the data needed for AI implementations.
  • Strategic AI Projects: Post-workshop analysis identifies potential AI projects that can enhance your business.

Who Should Attend

  • Decision Makers: Key business decision makers.
  • Business Managers: Managers who can provide an overview of their department's activities.
  • IT Managers: IT personnel who can provide information on existing data sets.


  • Business Overview: Gather information about your business goals and structure.
  • Competitor Analysis: List potential indirect competitors.
  • Pain Points: Identify current business challenges.
  • Data Inventory: Compile a list of available data and potential data sources.

Topics of Interest

  • AI Strategy Development: How to align AI projects with business goals and strategies.
  • Ethical AI Practices: Ensuring AI implementations are Ethical and compliant with regulations.
  • ROI Analysis: Evaluating the potential return on investment from AI projects.
  • Scalability: Discussing how AI solutions can scale with your business growth.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Ensuring seamless integration of new AI technologies with your current systems.
  • Future AI Trends: Exploring upcoming trends in AI that could benefit your business.

WNPL’s AI/ML Solutions

  • Data Preparation & Cleaning: Ensure your data is ready for AI processing.
  • AI/ML Model Training & Testing: Develop and test AI models tailored to your needs.
  • Custom AI/ML Algorithm Development: Create algorithms specific to your business challenges.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Seamlessly integrate AI solutions into your current workflows.
  • Ongoing Maintenance & Support: Continuous support to keep your AI systems running smoothly.

Contact us today and discover how AI can transform your business processes and applications. Join WNPL’s AI Discovery Workshop and take the first step towards leveraging the power of AI.

Custom AI/ML and Operational Efficiency development for large enterprises and small/medium businesses.
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(833) 881-5505

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